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What is woman abuse?
Woman abuse is any verbal threat or physical force used to create fear and control what a woman does.
With all abuse, the abuser has more power than the victim. The abuser is always the one responsible for his or her behaviour. Abusers often use alcohol as an excuse. But the real cause is their need to use violence to control another person.
What forms does woman abuse take?
A woman can be abused in different ways. Following are just some examples:
Physical abuse
Psychological or emotional abuse
Verbal abuse
Sexual abuse
Neglect and isolation
Financial abuse or exploitation
Spiritual abuse
The Woman Abuse Screen Tool (WAST) is used primarily in doctor’s offices to help determine if the woman is in an abusive relationship. The WAST specifically screens for verbal/emotional, physical, and sexual abuse and is considered by researchers to be fairly reliable in assessing domestic violence.
Use the results to help decide if you need to seek help or see a doctor or other mental health professional to further discuss your relationship.
Instructions: Answer the following questions, then click "submit" at the bottom for an interpretation of the results.
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