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There are a number of home remedies for Yeast infection. But first it would help to understand a little more about yeast infections before you attempt to use any remedies to treat the condition at home. Yeast infections are not restricted to women as is commonly believed. Yeast infections can affect both men and women, and can occur in any part of the body such as underarms, between toes, or in the genital area. Yeast infections in women are very common in the vagina. Although it's not a very serious condition, a yeast infection is very uncomfortable and irritating.
Yeast are minute organisms ( known as candida fungus) that live in small numbers on human body. Yeast infection occurs when the number of these organisms increase beyond a certain level.
Typically, the acidity in the vagina keeps the level of yeast low. But with a drop in the acidity level (due to various conditions like menstruation period, pregnancy, diabetes or birth control pills), the presence of yeasty increases and causes the infection.
Yeast infections are also commonly referred to as thrush and although most common among women thrush in babies is also not uncommon. There are plenty of home remedies for thrush and you could try using a yeast infection home remedy like vinegar, or a yeast infection home remedy with honey. Yeast infections can at times be problematic however as they may affect the urinary tract as well as the reproductive tract and may cause some complications if neglected. An infection that goes untreated and spreads to the kidney would be particularly worrying as there are no know home remedies for kidney infections that are reliable enough. Home remedies for bladder infections and home remedies for urinary tract infections may help considerably with the treatment of frequent infections with yeast. The most important step however would be to understand and determine the underlying cause, based on which some action can be taken. Home remedies for yeast infections in babies, toddlers, children, and in both men and women, whether on the skin or in the urinary or reproductive tract, can be quite effective. Attempting to treat skin yeast infections with home remedies for UTIs will however prove to be futile. Most individuals prefer to rely on natural methods of treatment for the simple reason that this is a common problem that often occurs frequently and in many cases it is actually caused by certain other medications or more specifically antibiotics that you may have been taking for some other illness. The most effective cure would simply be to naturally correct the balance of ph levels, and to maintain the presence of healthy bacteria in the region, a process that can best be achieved through a simple dietary measure. Add any of the variety of curds containing lactobacilli, healthy or good bacteria to your daily diet.
Many women in fact use a douche with curd or yogurt to treat the problem at home, particularly when dealing with a yeast infection during pregnancy. A yeast infection home remedy with honey, vinegar, apple cider vinegar, or bath soaks may also help relieve the symptoms and facilitate healing. An easy yeast infection home remedy for children would be the use of a yeast infection home remedy bath.
Yeast infections in men although uncommon can occur and you could attempt to treat it with a yeast infection home remedy for men.
This is one of the most common symptom. It may start as a very mild irritant, but increase gradually. Synthetic innerwear such as nylon or silk panties can aggravate yeast infection symptoms and increase the discomfort. It is therefore very important to wear comfortable cotton panties on a daily basis. It is important to keep in mind that scratching or rubbing the irritated areas will only increase the irritation and inflammation and can cause the infection to spread. The delicate skin tissue of the vagina tears easily and once this happens the infectious microorganism enters the injured skin and the infection is then tougher to eliminate. It is also best to avoid wearing jeans as the material is thick and causes a buildup of heat and moisture which provides a hospitable environment for bacteria and fungi and this increases the severity of yeast infection symptoms.
The skin around the vagina, known the vulva has some swelling and may be itching and become very tender and sensitive to even the lightest of contact. Repeated rubbing of the irritated skin causes chaffing and this in turn increases inflammation and discomfort. Swelling and inflammation is one of the main yeast infection symptoms and this inflammation is the result of your body’s reaction to the infection. While topical applications to reduce inflammation will help to provide immediate and temporary relief from yeast infection symptoms, it is necessary to treat the root cause of the problem, which is the yeast infection, in order to obtain permanent relief.
You will experience vaginal discharge. This is typically white and thick and is odorless. The type of odor of the vaginal discharge is one of the simplest methods of differentiating between a vaginal bacterial infection and a vaginal fungal infection. A bacterial infection will generally have a strong fishy odor while the vaginal discharge in a woman with yeast infection may have a slight “yeasty” smell at the most. The vaginal discharge and other yeast infection symptoms would vary in severity and incidence according to several factors such as the woman’s age, her daily hygiene habits, and even her eating habits.
Another irritating symptom is the pain and discomfort felt during sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse tends to irritate the already inflamed delicate vaginal tissues and this could cause pain during as well as after intercourse. Some women make use of douches to try and control the problem but this is not advisable as it can actually aggravate the condition. In some cases, a doctor may recommend using a douche alongside other treatment methods to help reduce yeast infection symptoms. However, it is not advisable to use either a medicated douche or a homemade one without first consulting your doctor. It is best to refrain from all sexual activities until the infection has been successfully treated as it is possible to pass the infection on to one’s partner.
The burning sensation on the skin in and around the vagina persists a while even after urination.
The symptoms of yeast infections in women are different from those in men and recognizing these symptoms is the first step in trying to treat this problem. Most symptoms start to show themselves at least a week before the menstrual periods. Just like women, men who suffer from yeast infections also exhibit certain physical symptoms. Some of the most common male yeast infection symptoms include itching and irritation on the head of the penis. The penile head tends to become reddish and sore on account of a yeast infection. Some men may even experience rashes, red and white bumps or blisters on the head on the penis. This kind of a rash can either appear on the tip of the penis or then along its shaft. Another one of the male yeast infection symptoms is pain or burning sensation while urinating. The penis may even pain when it rubs against clothing. Very commonly men with a yeast infection also experience pain during sexual intercourse. Inflammation and white discharge around the head of the penis may also be indicators of a yeast infection.
Yeast Infection Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
If your body has a low immunity levels, it is very easy to succumb to such conditions where the organisms grow faster causing the infection. Therefore, it is not uncommon to suffer from a mild yeast infection after a long period of illness. It is best to take precautionary measures when one is ill to prevent yeast infections. In order to prevent yeast infection when you are ill, you should follow a healthy diet and drink plenty of fruit juices and other liquids. A diet that contains plenty of buttermilk or unsweetened yogurt will also help to prevent yeast infections as they contain probiotic or healthy bacteria that prevent unhealthy fungus and yeast from spreading. Make sure that you follow your entire course of medication or else you could get a relapse which will weaken you further and leave you vulnerable to yeast infections. Research has also proven that women who suffer from eating disorders and even those women with unhealthy eating habits are at a much higher risk of suffering from yeast infections as they have much lower immunity levels.
Use of some antibiotics can also cause yeast infection. Most antibiotics are able to specifically target a pathogen and thus eliminate an infection but some broad spectrum antibiotics target healthy as well as unhealthy microbes. This often causes an imbalance within the vagina and leads to an increase in the amount of unhealthy yeast. If the infection spreads, the women will suffer from a case of yeast infection, which will then require treatment. If you are on a course of antibiotics, make sure that you observe strict hygiene practices as this will help to decrease your risk of suffering from a yeast infection.
Sometimes physical and mental stress also causes the yeast level to go up considerably
Some reaction due to birth control pills also cause yeast infection
In some cases, infection is caused during mestrual cycles.
Diabetic conditions may cause the infection in certain cases
Yeast Infection home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Take a tampon and dip it in yogurt. Insert in the vagina, twice a day. Continue this remedy for an extra day after your symptoms go away. Make sure that you consult your doctor before you decide to use this yeast infection home treatment method as it is thought to be helpful only in cases of yeast infections and may actually aggravate a bacterial infection. A definite diagnosis is therefore essential before the method of Yeast Infection Treatment can be decided. However, yogurt can be included in a yeast infection diet or a bacterial infection diet to help control the infection. Yogurt is one of the most well known home remedies for vaginal yeast infection. Yogurt is especially useful in treating a Candida yeast infection and must be included in a Candida yeast infection diet.
A few drops of tea tree oil poured on a tampon and inserted in the vagina can provide some relief. It is important to dilute the oil before using it as tea tree oil is extremely potent and can cause inflammation if it is used in its undiluted form. Tea tree oil can be diluted by mixing a few drops of this oil along with a teaspoon of olive oil or sweet almond oil. Tea tree oil has anti fungal properties and will help to control the yeast infection as well as reduce yeast infection symptoms such as itching. Tea tree oil is one of the most effective vaginal yeast infection home remedies but it is necessary to first consult your doctor as some women may have an adverse reaction to this oil. Tea tree oil can also be used as a male yeast infection cure.
For non-vaginal yeast infections, you can apply garlic paste directly on the affected parts. This remedy is for other affected parts of the body and not for the vaginal yeast infection. If you do not have fresh garlic, you can dilute garlic oil along with Vitamin E oil and a few drops of coconut oil and apply this blend of oils to the affected skin. While garlic oil helps to control the infection, Vitamin E oil helps to fortify the skin and coconut oil helps to provide it with several fatty acids that help to prevent the infection from spreading. Yeast infection home cures can be used alongside other treatments to help speed up the recovery process.
These are two of the best natural cures for yeast infections in both men and women. Cold coconut oil or cinnamon oil can be applied on the infected areas 2-3 times a day to get rid of a yeast infection. Both these oils have effective anti-fungal properties which are very helpful in killing the yeast.
A hot sitz bath along with some added vinegar is a great way to relieve skin irritation and itching caused by a yeast infection. It is also an effective remedy to arrest the growth of yeast and restore the PH balance in the body.
Yeast Infection : Home Remedies suggested by users
There is no specific diet that we are aware of for this condition. Of course, eat healthy, lots of fruits and vegetables, as always. Avoid processed foods as far as possible and avoid refined flour and refined sugar products completely. These foods can aggravate the yeast infection symptoms and can even cause the infection to spread. Drink plenty of water throughout the day as this will help to flush out the urinary tract and help to control the spread of the yeast infection. A diet for yeast infection should also contain plenty of vegetable juices as this will help to boost immunity levels and help you fight off the infection.
To avoid yeast infection avoid wearing tight underwear or other tight acrylic garments everyday. Use loose fitting cotton underwear and panties. Avoid wearing jeans, legging, panty hose every day.
If you suspect infection, stay away from deodorant sanitary pads and tampons. Avoid sprays and other such external agents as that could cause irritation.
Do not remain in wet clothes for a long time. Change into dry ones as soon as possible and dry your affected body parts before changing into a new set of dry clothes.
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