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We have been helping people find success and fulfillment in their work since 2004.
Our Career Test has been:
1)Taken by more than 300,000 people in 15 countries
2)Scientifically validated
3)Used by many teachers and human resources professionals
People who have taken the Career Test:
1)Were amazed by the results and learned fundamental things about their personalities.
2)Say it helped them make the right professional choices.
3)Say they were able to find a career that matches their personality.
4)Say it gave their career a boost.
The Career Test will:
1)Do an in-depth analysis of your personality
2)Explore the way you work
3)Reveal your potential and your strengths
4)Provide career advice targeted to your specificneeds.
How it works:
1) Take a short questionnaire (30 min.)
2) Please answer all the parts to get the accurate results.
2) Read your report which will be emailed or posted to you when Rs100.00 is paid.
Our promise:
If you answer the questionnaire carefully, we guarantee that you'll be satisfied with the result!
You've already done the hard work!
By completing the Career Test, you have already created the raw materials which feed into the process we have developed for you to discover your Authentic Direction.
Your personalized book takes you on an amazing journey of self-discovery revealing truthes about you: some of which you are probably not even aware of yet.
Why is this "self-data" so important? Because discovering your mission in life and ideal career is essentially a process of introspection for you as an indvidual. You won't find the answers to these questions anywhere else, but within yourself.
All you need is an effective process to draw it out.
And like any other process: if you want meaningful outputs, you need to start with meaningful inputs.
The right inputs for revealing your Authentic Direction - using the proven process outlined in the book - are the unique building blocks that comprise you as an individual: your temperament, abilities, intelligences, skills and learning preferences.
There are three main parts to your personalized book:
1. Chapters one to three provide over 40 pages of empowering, personalized content covering your abilities, intelligences, temperament and skills.
You'll be enlightened and energized by what is revealed about you! Your Personal Career Profile on the previous page has given you a small taste of what you can expect, but your personalized book content goes much further and deeper into the inner secrets of what makes you tick!
2. Chapter four details the 30 specific careers which are best suited to your individual profile from the test. The matches are drawn - using our unique, proprietary software - from the official US Department of Labor O*Net database which includes around 1200 careers in total. (Although this database is US-based, the occupations are relevant all around the world).
3. This all sets the platform for the final chapter where we show you - step-by-step - how to apply this information to reveal your life's purpose and identify your ideal career.
Your personalized book is ready now!
Because you have already completed the test, your unique copy of the book is already sitting on our server, waiting for you to complete the order form below and download it. You could be reading it three minutes time!
(The eBook is published in the worldwide electronic publishing PDF format.)
Is this book for you?
This book is for you if you have reached a point in your life, where you need answers to the fundamental questions: What am I going to do with my life? and: What am I going to do for a living?
There are are different ways of expressing when you reach this point. For example, you may:
• want a new, better, more fulfilling life;
• have a secret dream about what you want to do with your life;
• want to get out of the rat race;
• know you have some great abilities but haven't figured out the best way to apply them in the workforce;
• want to find your "dream" job;
• be looking for more purpose and meaning in your life; or you may
• just want to try something new.
Whatever your reasons and however you express it, if you have reached a point in your life when you are highly motivated to find the answers to these questions, then this book is guaranteed to help you find them!
Reaching this point in your life is also a time for celebration! You now have the opportunity to begin fulfilling your dreams and joining the few whose lives and careers have real purpose and meaning!
Personalized book will cost you Rs 2000 for email copy and Rs 2500 for hard copy which will be mailed to your physical address.
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All rights reserved.
ph: +96560443060
alt: +919689983542