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What is endometriosis? Endometriosis is a painful disorder of the female reproductive organs. In endometriosis, tissues found in the lining of the uterus get implanted outside the uterus. These tissues are mainly implanted in ovaries, fallopian tubes, or the pelvic region. Generally, endometriosis does not occur after menopause. Endometriosis is an abnormal condition that is only limited to women due to its association with the female reproductive system. Though these tissues may mainly grow abnormally into the pelvic region and other organs of the reproductive system, they can in fact occur anywhere else outside the uterus as well.
At the end of each menstrual cycle, endometrial cells begin to shed. When the shedding is done by the uterus, some of the cells from the uterus tend to get attached to other tissues and organs outside the uterus. Once they get attached, they begin to grow on those tissues and organs. This does not normally cause any kind of endometriosis pain. However, due to this abnormal growth of the endometrial cells, different organs may begin to bleed at the time of menstruation, therefore causing abnormal bleeds. Endometriosis may also cause a disruption in the normal functioning of the reproductive system, and it may causeinfertility in women. Though it is rare, endometriosis may cause implantation of endometrial cells in the liver, lungs, and scars of old surgeries. In even rarer cases, the cells may reach the brain. It is important to note that the endometrial implantations are noncancerous.
Endometriosis may not always show symptoms. In fact, most women who suffer from this condition may never realize that they have endometriosis. They would only find about this condition if they experience abnormal bleeding in the body or infertility.Some of the common symptoms of endometriosis are pain during periods, painful intercourse, and pelvic pain. Pain during urinating, infertility, irregular or heavy bleeding during periods, pain in lower back, fatigue and swelling in abdomen are some other symptoms of endometriosis.
The pain in the pelvis usually only occurs right before, during, or right after menstruation. The pain also tends to lessen after menstruation. There are many women who may experience some pain during sexual intercourse as well. This condition is known as dyspareunia. This pain is often preceded by cramping in the lower abdominal area. Rarely ever, a woman may experience some pain during her bowel movements as well. The pain is usually not constant, and its intensity may continue to change form one month to another. The pain is different for different women, and while some women may not need extensive treatment for the resolution of their pain, there are others who would experience worsening of the pain progressively.
If the condition is severe, the pelvis may hurt even during a regular pelvic examination. A lot of the symptoms of endometriosis are dependent on the exact location of the implants. Pelvic pain with endometriosis is partly dependent on where the endometriosis implants are positioned. Endometriosis and pregnancy are related to each other. Most women, who have endometriosis, are not able to have children without fertility treatments and treatment for endometriosis. Apart from that, there are not many other signs of endometriosis as well.
So What Causes Endometriosis? So far, no cause has been confirmed for endometriosis. However, there are different accepted theories put forward by scientists. According to retrograde menstruation theory, also known as transtubal migration theory, menstrual blood containing endometrial cells flows back through the fallopian tube and implants the endometrial cells in the abdomen. Then the cells start growing there. Another theory proposes that the blood system or the lymph system distributes the endometrial cells from the uterus to the other parts of the body. According to one theory predisposition towards endometriosis may be carried in the genes of some people.
Till date, there have been no specific agreements on the causes of endometriosis. Though it is believed that retrograde menstruation could be a cause of endometriosis, medical scientists have not been able to establish the cause and the exact mechanism of the retrograde menstruation. Almost all women have some degree of retrograde menstruation, but not all of them are likely to develop endometriosis.
The most accepted theory is that all the organs in the pelvic region consist of cells that are primitive in nature, and these cells may shed and begin to grow on all forms of tissues. An open surgery, which is not conducted in the right manner, may also be associated with endometriosis implants. The endometrial tissue may be accidentally transferred from the uterus to other organs. If the endometrial tissues are introduced to the blood stream or the lymph system, it is possible for the tissues to circulate through the body, reaching various organs.
Some women may have a naturally impaired immune system, which may cause the endometrial cells to grow on other organs without being noticed at all by the immune system. Endometriosis and infertility can usually be interrelated due to this reason. Endometriosis and infertility treatment almost always go together. Since endometriosis is one of the leading causes of infertility in women, it is considered extremely important to get the treatment of infertility along with the treatment for endometriosis.
To treat nausea due to endometriosis, drink a cup of ginger tea.This can be brewed by boiling a piece of ginger in water along with a spoon of tea leaves. Sieve the tea and then add honey to it. Drink it hot to enjoy its benefits. Ginger tea is an important part of the overall endometriosis diet.
Place an ice pack or a heating pad on your lower abdominal area.This helps improve the blood flow and also helps regulate the pain in the abdominal region.
Try juice therapy.Dark grape, mango, papaya and pineapple juices are recommended.These help in increasing the fluid buildup in the body, allowing your body to prevent any chances of retrograde menstruation, which is considered the primary cause of the condition.
Drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices maintained at room temperature.
Herbs such as cramp bark, chaste berry, cohosh and false unicorn root relieve symptoms of endometriosis.They not only help you deal with the pain caused by endometriosis, but also help you get over painful PMS as well.
Leaves and flowers of rosemary, leaves and roots of dandelion, milk thistle seeds and vervain herb are effective in improving hormone metabolism and bile-bowel function.It is believed that these remedies can help regulate the female hormones, therefore preventing the shedding of the uterine lining in an abnormal manner. This would prevent the woman from experiencing endometriosis completely.
Eat fish; it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help in suppressing prostaglandin production.Prostaglandin is a hormone that may be involved in the promoting of endometriosis. Avoid caffeine, sugar, red meat and alcohol. Avoid all dairy products. Avoid fried foods and processed foods. Eat vitamin B rich food. Eat a low fat and fiber rich vegetarian diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, salads, flax seed oil and cereals are good sources of fiber.
Exercise Regularly: Endometriosis is known to cause pregnancy complications, so if you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, make sure that your attending doctor knows about your condition. Apart from endometriosis and pregnancy risks, there are no additional risks from this condition. Since the implantations in endometriosis are benign, endometriosis and cancer risk are hardly mentioned in the same breath. Exercising is a great option because it will reduce the estrogen levels and hence slow down the growth of endometriosis. Avoid using tampons during periodsas they can block the outlet of the normal blood flow and you may experience a lot of pain, even more than you would otherwise experience. Take vitamin supplements.
Endometriosis and pregnancy miscarriage are also very common, so a woman suffering from endometriosis is considered to have a high risk pregnancy. Apart from the ever looming risk of a miscarriage, endometriosis and pregnancy pain are also ever present risks. Endometriosis pain after pregnancy may continue to occur. Endometriosis stages and symptoms usually depend on the different physical conditions of the woman suffering from the disorder. If you see signs of endometriosis after a hysterectomy, you should discuss the condition with a doctor.
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