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Chafing could mean various things as would be obvious from the chafing definition in any dictionary, but in the context of health care or skin care one would define chafing in reference to skin irritation or soreness that is caused by friction, such as when rubbing your hands together, or along the inner thighs when walking. It is therefore an abrasive condition.
Chafing means soreness or irritation of the skin caused by friction. This friction may be caused due to rubbing of two body parts, clothes etc. Some people are under the wrong impression that it is a sign of weight loss. People often experience chafing on the inner thigh, armpits, nipples, groin areas etc. Although anybody can have this problem, it is seen particularly in obese people and athletes. Prevention is the best way to treat chafing.
Anyone who is overweight is particularly vulnerable to chafing when walking, but walking isn’t the only activity that causes chafing between the legs. Chaffed skin could be caused by practically any activity that is a source of repeated or prolonged friction between skin surfaces, particularly on the inner thighs. Chaffed skin can also occur in the area of the underarms and the breasts.
At times the source of friction may not necessarily be between two skin surfaces, but between skin and poorly fitted or poor quality clothing and fabrics. Chafing unfortunately gives no advance warning and you will suddenly find yourself assaulted with a painful burning or stinging sensation in the area. While it is not threatening the problem of chaffed skin is certainly painful and can make mundane everyday activities tedious and painful.
Although the condition of skin chaffing may not be threatening it is important that you do not neglect it as the irritated and sensitive surface skin can actually get badly bruised and rubbed away, causing the area to ooze and risking an infection. Although prevention is the most effective solution, should the problem arise, chafing treatment is quite simple and effective. Besides, there are plenty of natural chafing remedies and anti chafing creams that should make your life a lot easier.
Although preventive measures may be extremely effective at avoiding the condition, there are certain circumstances in which chafing may occur despite all your efforts to prevent it. Besides it may not always be practical or possible to avoid activities that can cause chafing.
Certain skin conditions that cause excessive dryness or even environmental conditions could contribute to the development of chafing. For example, chafing is more likely to occur in winter because of the increased levels of dryness, which means that there is a higher likelihood of friction with skin contact. Using moisturizers and following a good skin care routine can help in such a situation however. Conditions like jock itch can however cause severe itching and irritation that may also be accompanied by genital chafing.
Chafing is not just a problem for adults and it could also be bothersome for children and babies as well. Chafing can be particularly problematic and is unfortunately quite common in babies because of conditions like diaper rash. Unfortunately they cannot communicate their discomfort, but you would notice increased irritability, crying and wakefulness.
Keep in mind that very often people suffering from herpes tend to confuse some of the symptoms of herpes with chafing symptoms. The dreaded herpes virus causes the development of skin lesions that occur in outbreaks around the genitals. These outbreaks can very often resemble a paper cut or chafing. If you have good reason or the slightest suspicion about having contracted the herpes virus, make sure that you visit a doctor or get the required tests done.
Painful stinging and burning sensation are the two most common symptoms of chafing. The affected area will get red.
When chafing is taking place you will first begin to notice a burning sensation. This is a lot more pronounced if the area comes in contact with a liquid, and would be a lot more severe if you are holidaying on a beach and step into the sea water for a dip. Salt water will intensify the burning sensation. Any movement of the areas that have chaffed skin will cause sensations of pain.
In severe cases of chaffed skin there may also be some amount of swelling and inflammation of the area that is affected. Anti chafing creams should be used immediately to treat the affected skin to reduce the risk of any infection developing.
Chafing is caused due the friction produced when body parts rub against each other or cloth or any other thing on your body. However moisture from sweat on your body will worsen it. Clothes that are too tight or of rough fabrics can also cause chaffing of the skin. So the direct causes of chaffed skin would be friction between two areas of skin or an area of skin with some fabric.
• Excessively sweaty or moist skin that is in continuous contact and fraction is the primary cause of chaffing. Chaffing may also be caused by friction with objects other than skin or fabrics. For example when sliding down a slide or gripping a rope to slide down the friction with the skin can cause severe cases of chapped skin.
Athletes engaged in strenuous activities are very vulnerable to chaffed skin, but preventive measures like wearing cotton clothes and socks and padded shoes can help reduce the risk of chaffing. Likewise, the use of anti chafing creams can help considerably.
• Obesity and begin overweight are the most common factors that contribute to the problem of chaffed skin in the general population. The high incidence of chapped skin among those who are overweight is attributed to the fact that the increased fat causes sagging of the skin that increases and intensifies the extent of friction on the skin.
Chafing is most common for overweight populations on the inner thighs because there is constant friction between the inner thighs when walking, because of the build up and accumulation of fat in the thigh region. Increased body mass also means that there is an increased risk of developing chaffed skin on the feet.
• Dehydration or a lack of moisture is another possible cause of chaffed skin. Dehydration causes the skin to also dry out and dry skin is a lot more vulnerable to friction, which in turn increases the risk of developing chaffed skin. It would be a good idea therefore to increase your fluid intake.
The key to prevent chafing is to avoid sweating and friction between body parts. To do this try to keep yourself dry, put proper clothes; try to wear hundred percent cotton clothes etc. Try to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. This will allow you to perspire freely. Use talcum powder to stay dry. Always wear clean and dry clothes Use petroleum-free and non-staining lubrication to prevent friction while walking, jogging or exercising. You can also use it on your feet, toes etc to avoid blisters.
Here are some useful tips for chafing treatment:
• Petroleum jelly when applied on the chaffed skin can help provide relief and soothe the inflammation.
• Baby oil and powder if applied to the skin can also help reduce irritation.
• Try and allow the area to remain unrestricted and free, without any covering and without any friction. For example, if on the inner thighs it would be best to avoid walking and only wear loose cotton trousers or shorts. When provided with free space the skin gets a chance to heal a lot more swiftly.
• If you do tend to have chapped skin then it may be wise to use elastic wraps over areas of skin that are prone to chapping to prevent the problem.
• After bathing try applying some zinc oxide over the skin that is chafed and cleanse the area after some time with olive oil to get rid of the zinc oxide residue.
• Make sure you’re always well hydrated by drinking adequate water. Fresh fruits juices and milk shakes would also be a healthy addition as they are also a source of nutrition. Avoid colas, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks however as these simply aggravate the problem.
• Perspiration can make the problem of chafed skin a lot worse so avoid over exerting or indulging in activities that cause excessive sweating.
• Avoid wearing clothes of synthetic fabric as they can cause friction that further aggravates the sensitive skin. Pure cotton would be a much better option.
• Skin in the groin area often tends to suffer chafing because of sweat and tight under garments. It would be advisable to avoid wearing tight underwear and also make it a point to wash yourself and stay dry, changing undergarments frequently.
• Obesity being the most common cause of chaffed skin it would be advisable to reduce weight if you are overweight. Chafing treatment is always directed towards the cause, and if you are overweight, weight loss should solve the problem. Activities like swimming should be great as they will not only help with weight loss, but also pose little risk of chafing, which would be inevitable when walking.
• Athletes or fitness enthusiasts should try and use anti chafing creams to prevent chafing while running or walking.
• Natural chafing remedies like the application of soothing oils like almond oil or lavender and calendula oil can also help prevent chafing.
People suffering from chafing should include vitamin A, Vitamin C, Zinc etc in their diet.
Treat the area like an open wound by washing with soap and lukewarm water. Cover the chafe with band aid or sterile gauze. Then apply an antibacterial ointment or antiseptic spray, cover with a band aid or sterile gauze.
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