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Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a condition whereby the outer part of the elbow becomes painful. The outer part also becomes tender. This condition is caused by inflammation of the tendons attached to the bony protrusion, above the elbow joint. Degeneration of the tendons or tendon tears can also cause tennis elbow. As tennis elbow is associated with tendon injury it is also known as tendonitis. Tennis elbow can make mundane activities such as lifting, carrying or gripping a difficult task. Because of its association with tennis and similar racquet sports most people tend to associate the condition with sportsmen. Although it is more common among those engaged in sports of this nature, the injury can affect absolutely anyone. The condition is also commonly referred to as archer’s elbow or shooter’s elbow and involves severe inflammation and tenderness towards the outer region of the elbow. It is not simply a sports related injury but is a stress injury that develops from overuse or stress on the lateral side of the elbow. Tennis elbow affects the extensor tendon which originates from the lateral epicondyle.
Tennis elbow can be quite painful and limiting in terms of mobility or flexibility of the elbow because of severe pain that radiates from the outside of the elbow. This pain may radiate down the forearm and to the wrists. You may also observe a weakening of the forearm. Routine tasks and activities that we normally take for granted can become tedious and painful such as opening or turning a door knob, or something as mundane as shaking hands. Any attempt to lift or even carry heavy items can be extremely painful. The pain caused by tennis elbow is not very different from that of golfer’s elbow or medial epicondylitis, in which the pain however affects the medial side of the elbow.
It is important that you visit your doctor for a proper medical diagnosis before you begin any treatment. But once a diagnosis of the condition is made you may begin tennis elbow home treatment as the main aspect of treatment for the condition involves self care and physiotherapy with tennis elbow exercises. Tennis elbow treatment at home will typically involve the practice of restorative exercises and you can also chose from different options of tennis elbow braces. You could try using an elbow orthosis or epicondylitis clasp, which is a lightweight tennis elbow support that helps to support the tendon. Elbow injuries are always painful and there is always the risk of recurrence of the condition. It is important to take certain precautions in the future, whether involved in sports or in some activity that puts stress on the area.
In some cases cortisone injections may be administered as treatment therapy. Tennis elbow treatment with cortisone is however best avoided unless necessary as research has found it to be altogether ineffective against treating or curing the condition. On the other hand it could pose some long term health risks. Cortisone can however offer short term benefits and would be useful if the condition is so severe that it even restricts the ability of the patient to perform the restorative tennis elbow exercises. In cases where the pain lingers on for months and does not respond to restorative exercises tennis elbow surgery to trim the abnormal tendons or release it from the bone may be required. Doctors however reserve this as a last resort and will only recommend surgery if the levels of pain prevent normal functioning.
The most common symptom of Tennis elbow is pain and tenderness around the elbow joint. Other symptoms include:
• Pain and weakness in moving the wrist.
• Pain in stretching the fingers or bending the hand.
• Pain experienced when grasping or lifting objects.
• The muscles tighten and feel painful on the back of the forearm.
Tennis Elbow Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
Some of the known causes of tennis elbow include:
• Damage caused to muscles, tendons and ligaments around the elbow joint.
• Excessive pressure on the elbow.
• Stress
• Muscle exertion
• Elbow Injury
• Repetitive movements of the elbow
• Pressure on the radial nerve
Tennis Elbow home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Suggested home remedies for tennis elbow include:
• Ice Packs: Ice packs applied over the elbow joint for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours can reduce pain and swelling around the elbow joint area.
• Zostrix: Is a derivative of hot pepper. It can be wrapped around the elbow joint to reduce sensation of pain.
• Heat Packs: Alternating ice packs with heat packs can comfort the elbow joint.
• Potato Pack: Warm and baked potatoes can help reduce the pain.
Tennis Elbow : Home Remedies suggested by users
• Celery is known to be a good remedy for rheumatism. The fluids can be extracted from seeds and had with hot water before meals. 5-10 drops of fluid with hot water can be beneficial in treating the pain.
• Omega -3 fatty acids found mainly in fish also help treat arthritic conditions. Intake of Omega- 3 supplements can help reduce the inflammation and pain.
• Modify stressful activities
• Exercise regularly
• Avoid repetitive movements
• Employ smooth movement of the elbow
• Avoid exerting the elbow joint
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