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Our skin is quite literally what holds everything together. The skin is one of the vital organs and it is also the largest organ of the integumentary system, comprising of multiple layers of ectodermal tissue. The skin is responsible for thermoregulation, which is the process by which the body maintains its temperature around normal levels. The skin also serves as a protective layer for the body that is designed to deal with solar exposure, as well as with exposure to extreme weather conditions. Finally, the skin also works to protect the body as a physical barrier against foreign objects and substances.
The skin is made up of many different layers. If you were told that we shed our skin, you’d probably laugh it off. While we may not shed our skin the way snakes do, the uppermost layer of skin, which is the epidermis does in fact shed. This continuous process ensures that the skin is permanently rejuvenated. The color of the skin is determined by a pigment known as melanin which is present in the cells of the skin. The higher the amount of melanin in the skin, the darker the skin will appear. Skin blemishes include various types of marks or structures that appear on the skin surface. In most cases, these skin blemishes are not medically relevant as they are just aberrations on the skin surface. However, from a cosmetic point of view, an individual may be acutely aware of skin blemishes and may be embarrassed by them. Skin blemishes range from warts to discoloration and stretch marks. Certain blemishes are associated with injuries or with medical conditions. Some conditions like chicken pox may leave skin blemishes when the affected area heals completely.
When one discusses skin blemishes, one is speaking of an almost entirely cosmetic subject. The symptoms of the condition are therefore associated with the perception that the individual has about his or her appearance based on the presence of these blemishes. Most skin blemishes do not present with any symptoms other than the visual difference that exists between the affected area of skin and between the skin as you wish it to be. In some cases, skin blemishes may be associated with active diseases or infections. In such a situation, the patient may feel itchy and may wish to scratch at his or her skin. Rashes are also common when there is an active medical condition that affects the nature of the skin. It can therefore be suggested that itching be included as a symptom for skin blemishes. However, this is erroneous as the itch is actually associated with the active medical conditions. Most skin blemishes are therefore considered to be without any symptoms apart from the visible abnormality on the surface of the skin. Acne is a common condition that affects the skin where the patient will experience symptoms of itching and irritation on the skin. This condition will create temporary blemishes on the skin that should disappear as the condition resolves.
Skin Blemishes Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
There are a number of different causes for skin blemishes. This, obviously, depends on the type of skin blemish that has occurred. Marks or scars are usually associated with some skin condition that has affected the individual in the past or may be caused by trauma. In some cases and in some specific conditions too, skin blemishes may be left behind even after the condition resolves. The most common conditions to generate these types of skin blemishes are acne, pimples and chicken pox. The formation of pimples does not necessarily mean that a mark will be left behind. However, when the pimple is physically removed such as by scratching or scraping at it, it could leave behind a scar that may take some time to heal. Many of these kinds of skin blemishes disappear over time as the skin continually regenerates itself over a period of time.
For certain skin blemishes, the cause may be associated with faulty skin care practices, or simply because of neglect. The consumption of an unhealthy diet is one of the leading causes of skin blemishes. Foods that are oily and fatty tend to affect the quality of skin adversely. Our diets are probably the most neglected aspect of skin care, and most of us do not include an adequate amount of foods essential for healthy skin. Fresh fruits nourish the body well and can be used to improve skin tone. Individual’s who’s diets lack in fresh fruits and vegetables are a lot more likely to experience skin conditions that become noticeable skin blemishes.
Other factors that affect skin quality include genetics as well as the prevailing levels of hormones in the individual’s body. Hormonal imbalances tend to occur during adolescence, which is why teenagers end up suffering from skin blemishes during this stage of their life. Hormonal problems are often related to nutritional problems as well. People who consume unhealthy foods also tend to be more susceptible to hormonal issues than those who follow a healthy, balanced diet.
Skin Blemishes home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
There are many different remedies for skin blemishes that vary based on the nature of the skin condition in question. In general, one can say that following a regular hygiene and exfoliation routine will ensure that your skin is free of any foreign bodies or germs that could contribute to the development of skin blemishes. It must be noted that the soap used during such washing should be made of mild natural products. Chemical based soaps may irritate the skin, particularly if there is already a blemish on the skin.
Remedies for skin blemishes can be incorporated into the lifestyle changes that you would need to make. Remedies for skin blemishes may be natural or could be manufactured products with natural ingredients. Natural remedies for skin blemishes include the use of various pastes and juices for the skin. Lemon juice is a commonly used item when it comes to dealing with skin blemishes. This is particularly effective for dark patches or dark spots on the skin. Lemon juice should not be used on pimples and other open wounds as it would cause an intense burning sensation. For other natural remedies, there are a number of different suggestions that one might put into practice for skin blemishes. The use of oatmeal is recommended for improved skin quality. While this may not target the blemish directly, it will improve the overall quality of the skin such that the blemish itself will also become less pronounced. A turmeric based paste may be used as a skin conditioner. Turmeric is known to possess antibacterial and antifungal properties, both of which will help with improved skin condition over a period of time. The elimination of cosmetic products that contain irritants may not eliminate the problem altogether, but will certainly help control or restrict it.
One may also use various synthetically produced skin care products as this will definitely help to improve skin quality. It is important to note, however, that these synthetic products will not be as effective as the natural remedies that one might use for skin care.
Skin Blemishes : Home Remedies suggested by users
Your diet is one of the most important influencing factors on your general health, and likewise on the health of your skin. Your dietary habits also have an indirect bearing on the health of your skin, as the efficient functioning of the various bodily processes, such as the digestive or circulatory functions, has a direct bearing on the health of your skin. The health of your skin to a large extent reflects the health of the body. A healthy diet is one that is balanced, providing the body with all the important nutrient groups. It is also important to avoid certain foods that might affect the quality of your skin. These foods include oily food, fatty food and any form of stimulant based foods. Caffeine is a popular stimulant found in tea and coffee. This should be avoided as much as possible.
Many studies have found that improved hydration and increased consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables are both likely to improve the health of the individual as well as the health of his or her skin. The reason for this is the improvement in the body’s absorption of vital vitamins and minerals that helps improve the texture and quality of the skin. Therefore, when one is suffering from poor skin quality, it is advisable to modify your diet to include more fruits and vegetables that are not only highly nutritious but are also easier to process and absorb. This will lead to an overall improvement in the health of the individual as well.
Skin blemishes may be unsightly, but they are simply skin blemishes. Individuals should therefore not pay too much attention to such cosmetic issues. This is particularly true for youngsters who develop temporary skin issues like acne. These skin issues can be used as warning signs to change one’s diet and lifestyle. However, one should not be affected by the temporary change in one’s appearance. All such skin blemishes will pass over time and the skin will return to its normal, healthy appearance. This said, our external appearance has a significant influence on our sense of self and on our self esteem, so it cannot be neglected. Stubborn skin blemishes that severely compromise your aesthetics may be treated with medical procedures like laser treatments.
Exercise is an aspect associated of skin care that is often neglected. Exercise is useful for an individual to burn extra energy. When extra energy is burned, the individual tends to be more relaxed especially as the blood circulation and respiration functions in the body function more efficiently. This is often something that helps youngsters deal with their raging hormones.
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